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How to Paint Brake Calipers - Scratch Repair

How to Paint Brake Calipers

DIY Brake Caliper Spray Painting Tutorial Welcome to our step-by-step guide on how to transform the appearance of your vehicle by spray painting the brake calipers. Enhancing your brake calipers with a fresh coat of paint not only adds a custom touch but also protects them from the elements. Let's get started on this exciting DIY project!

**Materials Needed:**

1. High-temperature Scratch Repair brake caliper paint

2. Masking tape

3. Newspaper or plastic sheeting

4. Wire brush

5. Sandpaper (medium and fine grit)

6. Gloves and safety glasses

7. Cardboard or scrap paper for masking

**Step 1: Preparing the Area:** Begin by jacking up the car and removing the wheels to access the brake calipers. Lay down newspaper or plastic sheeting to protect the surrounding areas from overspray.

**Step 2: Cleaning the Calipers:** Use a wire brush to remove any loose dirt or rust from the calipers. Clean the calipers thoroughly with brake cleaner to ensure a smooth surface for paint adhesion. Allow them to dry completely.

**Step 3: Masking Off Areas:** Use masking tape to cover areas you don't want to paint, such as brake lines, hoses, and the surrounding brake components. This ensures a clean and professional finish.

**Step 4: Sanding the Calipers:** Gently sand the calipers with medium-grit sandpaper to create a rough surface for better paint adhesion. Follow up with fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out the surface. Wipe away any dust with a clean, dry cloth.

**Step 5: Applying the Primer:** If your spray paint requires a primer, apply a thin, even coat to the calipers. Let the primer dry according to the manufacturer's instructions.

**Step 6: Applying the Paint:** Shake the brake caliper spray paint can thoroughly. Hold the can about 8-12 inches away from the caliper and apply a light, even coat. Allow it to dry completely before applying additional coats. Repeat this process until you achieve the desired color intensity.

**Step 7: Drying Time:** Allow the paint to dry for the recommended time, ensuring a durable and long-lasting finish.

**Step 8: Removing Masking:** Carefully remove the masking tape once the paint is fully dry to the touch. This step helps to reveal clean lines and edges.

**Step 9: Reassembling:** Once the paint is completely dry, reassemble the wheels and lower the car. Take your newly painted brake calipers for a spin and enjoy the refreshed and customized look!

Congratulations! You've successfully transformed your brake calipers with a fresh coat of paint. This DIY project not only enhances the aesthetics of your vehicle but also allows you to showcase your personal style. Remember to follow safety precautions and enjoy the results of your hard work. Happy driving! 🚗✨